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Who was Jesus of Nazareth?
Few really know who he was, what he did and said, or was reported as having said.
Pope Francis, free speech and social media
Authorities are acting to curb the extremism and manipulation of the truth on social media platforms and to curb hate speech and child abuse
Delays in legal process cost child rights NGO huge sums
20 convictions a year, and the good work of healing and empowering children at Preda Foundation comes with an expensive monetary cost.
Injustice and poverty causes child sexual abuse
Millions of children suffer some form of child sexual abuse in the Philippines every year. Most of the victims are from poor families.
Success in giving new life to former jailed youth
The Preda Foundation home is an alternative to jail providing a caring and supporting environment where the youth can grow and change.
Children are traumatized by long wait for justice
There is a clear need for more prosecutors and a special Children’s Court, so that victims may be given justice.
The pursuit of justice for victim/survivors of child abuse
It is vital that duty-bearers in the community listen to children tell their stories.
Childhood aggression rooted in malnutrition and peer groups
Why do some children tend to behave aggressively, even violently, towards others?
The story of Easter
The true followers of Jesus are the dedicated human rights workers, those who serve the poor and committed to social justice.
The Philippines needs children’s courts
The Philippines needs a law establishing a "Children’s Court.”
The moral obligation to oppose crimes against children
Today everyone is challenged to stand for children’s rights and to protect the rights and dignity of every human being.
Women’s March for equality and justice
Jesus treated women with dignity, respect, understanding and declared them as having dignity and equality.
The best child protection laws but little church accountability
The Vatican published a new code of Canon law that is clear and specific in dealing with child abuse in the church.
The suffering caused by uncontrolled Internet
The values that you teach your children are being eroded by the grooming, seduction, violence, fake news, and sex images through the ISPs.
Buried memories of clerical sexual abuse revealed
Several bishops and priests who have been accused of child abuse are still in their church duties and positions.
US military bases are a danger to the Philippines
The growing tension in the Asia-Pacific region with the Philippines at the center makes should concern Filipinos.
Crimes against children on the Internet
There are seven priests serving today in various dioceses that fled child abuse allegations or convictions in the United States and sought r
A case of clerical child rape
The many incidents of child sexual abuse by clerics has shamed thousands of good bishops and priests who have been justly angered by the...
The troubled legacy of Pope Benedict XVI
The Vatican for years dismissed clerical child abuse claims as false, frame-ups or as vicious attacks on the Church in retaliation for the a
Why do we have Christmas?
A little child named Maria once asked, “Mama, why do we have Christmas?” Each of us should have an answer to that but many do not. Maria...
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