When children enter our classrooms, the past, present and future meet one another in a split second, in every moment.
Children grow into the persons we meet every day. The past has built on this child and before its birth the spiritual worldvworked with and on the child.
Waldorf Education stresses that teachers can only have a feeling of deep reverence to all that became, in trying to understand what made a child into the particular person he or she is today. In short, it is essential to be aware of the molds of one’s being, or rather the elements that made up the product.
On the other hand, knowing that the student as a member of humanity will have his or her own special influence on the world of tomorrow, it is important to ask about other conditions that will help form the person’s future. What will he or she be? What will develop?
Teachers can only have a feeling of enthusiasm for what will be and thus wonder, “Can today’s educators create an exact fantasy for what the students will be?”
In the present teachers are endowed with the possibility to try to take away obstacles, the possibility to equip the child overcome these obstacles, and thrust them towards what is intended to be.
How these thoughts will impact everyday education is the key subject of the Steiner/Waldorf Asian Teacher Training (ATT) this year (2018). Slated on April 30 to May 4, 2018, with the training course this year bears the theme: ‘The Art of Education Between Enthusiasm and Reverence’.
The course aims to prepare Waldorf teachers from the Philippines and other Asian countries for the coming school year. Parents and other interested individuals will also find the course helpful in learning about the principles and practical application of Steiner/Waldorf education.
Acacia Waldorf School (AWS) is proud to host the Philippine cycle of the workshop. ATT 2018 takes place in cooperation with an experienced team of trainers from the Netherlands and the Philippines.
The following will be this year’s roster of instructors and their respective workshops:
Paul van Meurs (Coaching ~ Blackboard Drawing); Ira Dominguez (Kindergarten); Annemarie Vermeulen (Grade 3 and 4 ~ Painting); Emiel Link (Grade 7 and 8 ~ Linocut); Nenita Aranas (Handcraft); Gea Weeren (Children with Special Needs); Hendrikje van Dam (Grade 1 and 2 ~ Music and Drama); Lisette Stoop (Grade 5 and 6 ~ Moving Games); Duncan de Kovel (Upper School ~ Woodcraft); Joy Kawpeng (Kinesthetic Movement)
For more information, please contact Ms. Binky Manlapaz at +639177980417 or e-mail attphilippines@gmail.com.
*Published in print version (Voice of the South, Volume 13, No. 8)