Sta.Rosa, Laguna—On April 26, 2018, HAMBURG Trading Corporation held their building inauguration at the Meridian Industrial Complex. The newly-built 7000 sqm facility houses the trading company’s spacious warehouse, laboratory, blending facility, modern administration office, and its state-of-the-art demo kitchen.
HAMBURG Trading Corporation’s VP for Marketing, Gianna Kessler von Sprengeisen, welcomes the German ambassador, Dr. Gordon Kricke, together with Founder and Chairman, Mr. Horst Kessler von Sprengeisen, and President, Ms. Lenie Bermudez. Business partners around the world and clients from big multinational companies in the Philippines graced the ribbon-cutting ceremony and celebration.
“Mr. Kessler von Sprengeisen, you can indeed be proud of what you’ve achieved since your arrival here in the Philippines 50 years ago. You played an important role in the German business community and a key role in the founding of the Philippine-German Chamber of Commerce.” Ambassador Kricke said in his congratulatory speech to HAMBURG Trading Corporation and its founder, Mr. Kessler von Sprengeisen, for their success and steadfast commitment to the values of a true German businessman while embracing the heart of the Filipinos.
In Mr. Kessler von Sprengeisen’s speech, he reiterated Hamburg Trading’s mission in continuously nurturing the Philippine market by connecting every partner and client to innovative products and services. “We will become the trusted partners of more Filipinos. HAMBURG Trading commit ourselves to their growth.” he said.
Guests were treated to a tour of the building, led by the HAMBURG Trading’s sales people, who are among the main drivers why HAMBURG Trading today is a premier trading company not only in the food industry, but also in chemicals, refractories, and construction industries.
“Our strong collaboration with different stakeholders continues as we honor our word to gain their trust and deliver our commitments,” Ms. Bermudez on the secret to the company’s lasting business partnerships. “Now that HAMBURG Trading’s major business units are under one roof, our dynamic team is steadfast to deliver better service to continue redefining the trading business on a global standard.” she added.
HAMBURG Trading Corporation is set to celebrate its 40th anniversary and more exciting business ventures are set to happen this 2018.
Visit www.hamburgtradingcorp.com for more updates.