It is along Alice in Wonderland Street in Boracay's Station 2. And, without question, it is one of the better places to stay while chasing wonders on the fabled island.
Canyon de Boracay is both that cool shade on a hot summer, and that warm blanket on a rainy day. It's easy comfort, and yet luxurious. That's why many prefer to stay here.
An exhilarating aquatic adventure can be taxing to the body. So can a long stroll through Stations 1, 2, and 3, or several rounds of drinks at a beach bar. Hence, after Boracay activities, comfort is golden. Spacious rooms, cold airconditioning, and cozy un-miniaturized furniture become instinctive cravings. And there's no room for debate.
Canyon de Boracay meets such needs...to superb precision. It's like a magical place that provides guests their needs so there'd only be fun to think about. What better way to enjoy paradise?
It is accommodation that's predicated on a simple element: snug leisure. This then became its principal attribute through the years. Now Canyon de Boracay is not only a resort to consider, but actually one to aim for, whenever in Boracay. In the ideal place for recreation, you might as well go for the best stay.
Top-grade amenities come with the medley of accommodation packages offered. The room configurations are Deluxe, Courtyard, and Villa, all with generous enough space. The rooms have big beds, private gardens, verandas, dining areas, lounging corners, and even an in-room kitchen. It's enough lavishness to put Canyon de Boracay ahead of many other resorts.
Traviesa, the resort's flagship restaurant, has an international menu, and serves sizable portions. Yes, Boracay is laden with scores of restaurants offering different cuisines. But Traviesa's range of dishes is also considerable. The restaurant can impress--from its crunchy chicken lollipops to the creamy carbonara pasta. Seasonal complimentary breakfast buffets are also extended to the resort's guests.
There's a charming pool situated at the inner courtyard. It's perfect for guests who prefer to swim behind some shield of privacy and quiet. And, upon request, an array of massage services can be had in-room.
Island-hopping, fishing, sailing, scuba, and free-diving are only a few of the fun stuff to do in Boracay. There's a plethora to choose from. Guests who would like to engage in activities other than beach-combing or the usual "resto-pub crawl" can count on Canyon de Boracay's competent and friendly staff to assist. They could expedite a variety of special requests to make stays more pleasant and fun.
Canyon de Boracay presents hospitality fine-tuned, to the point that it becomes a serious advantage. With genuine considerations of comfort, it renders service that's truly from the heart. It is your home in "wonderland".